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Nowa publikacja dr. inż. Piotra Sliża
Data publikacji: Poniedziałek, 26 września 2022 roku


Miło nam poinformować, że ukazała się najnowsza publikacja (140 pkt.) dr. inż. Piotra Sliża z Katedry Organizacji i Zarządzania:

Sliż, P. (2022). Process and Project Oriented Organization: The Essence and Maturity Measurement. In International Conference on Business Process Management (pp. 295-309). Springer, Cham.

Wyniki badań zostały także zaprezentowane na Międzynarodowej BPM Conference w Münster.


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The main aim of this paper is to present the results of a process-project maturity assessment of large organizations in Poland. The paper consists of two main parts: a theoretical part, which primarily outlines the rationale supporting the prospects and the need for an orientation towards process and project organizations, and an empirical part, presenting an attempt to integrate the MMPM and PMMM maturity models, in order to assess organizational level of process-project maturity. The empirical research carried out on a sample of 90 large organizations shows that vast majority of the organizations surveyed are characterized by low levels of process and project maturity, and 13 of the entities examined can be described, based on the assumptions adopted, as a process-project organization (level 4 of process-project maturity). Further, the research conducted has led to an outline of the factors supporting the recognition of process management as a method fundamental to the designing a process-project organization. Maturity model integration has demonstrated the levels of process and project maturity as well as a statistically positive correlation between the degree of process maturity and project maturity. The original character of this paper primarily concerns the need to fill the literature gap, consisting in the scarcity of publications describing integration of process and project management methods and the deficit of works presenting process-project maturity results.


Biuro Dziekana/WZR